Hello Everyone
I have just finished my 3rd Block examination and I must say that I am pretty excited that my MD II semester is almost over. People have asked for my advice on what books to purchase before coming to SJSM Anguilla Campus. I can only give my recommendations on MD I & MD II books. I hope they help you allocate your hard earned cash to those books that you actually will use and keep. It may include books that are not on the recommended list but I found them to be good reference material to have. I have purchased my books from amazon.com because they usually have pretty reasonable prices and provided the links to the textbooks to make it easier for you guys.
MD I Books
- Junqeira's basic histology 12th edition (or whatever edition comes out)= Good reference material
- Wheater's Functional Histology 5th Edition (or whatever edition comes out)= Helpful for lab
- USMLE Roadmap Histology = good for quick reference material straight and to the point, some helpful practice questions.
- Clinically Oriented Anatomy 6th edition = Reference book ( MUST GET !!!! )
- BRS Anatomy = lots of good practice questions
- USMLE ROADMAP Anatomy = "trims" down the fat for the info on anatomy ( purchase only if you didn't buy the medical ethics text book)
- Langman's Medical Embryology = I found this better than the textbook thats used
- BRS Embryology = good practice questions, but this one is one that you could do without when compared to the supplemental books to histo and anatomy
Medical Ethics:
- You don't really need the book. If you have $20.00 to spare go ahead and buy the USMLE Roadmap books or the BRS other than that there are plenty of copies waiting for you in the library to read
MD II Text Books
Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry = I found the information much more concise than the assigned text book. For those who are visual learners the Concept Maps at the end of each chapter really help out alot.
Rapid Review Biochemistry = Good supplemental reading material especially when it comes to having a ready source of information when it comes to searching for clinically important vingettes.
Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology = The standard of all medical school physiology classes. MUST HAVE!!!!
Pocket Companion to Guyton and Hall Physiology = GREAT accompaniment to the text book. You can live without it, but its a portable reference material when compared to the text book.
BRS Physiology = This is used for the practice questions in the back A MUST HAVE
Clinical Neuroanatomy by Richard Snell = Your bread and butter for this class
High Yield Neuroanatomy = AWESOME companion book concise and really light
BRS Neuroanatomy = mainly used for the questions for practice.
- Textbook is not really needed for the class because the proffesor's power points are good enough
- BRS Genetics = I use this book for my reference and it's practice questions
Overall Review material
First Aid USMLE STEP 1 (most recent edition) = A good book to intergrate all of the materials that are covered for step 1. My friends who have graduated medical school and are in their residencies have said that I need to have this book from day one. I use it as a guide to make sure that i'm going to be as prepared as I can be for Step 1.
I hope that this post has helped you guys out and feel free to bookmark this post and use the links to purchase the materials. It might seem like alot of books to purchase and it surely is, but I think of books as necessary tools to be used for my job. There are other books that could possibly be better than the ones listed above, but these books are my personal compilation based on personal use, online research, and recommendations from friends who are currently in medical school or are in their residencies (those guys passed medical school so they must know something hehehe) . If you have any other recommendations please feel free to leave a comment. Until Next time
Monday, July 25, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Hey guys
It has been a long time since my last post a lot has changed. I am about to start taking my 3rd set of block exams for my MD II ( 1st year - 2nd semester medical student ). I must say that it all has been a blur. The material to be covered has been atleast 3x more than last semester. This semester we cover Biochem, Physio, Genetics, and Neuro-anatomy. We started off with a the summer semester on a tragic note, that our medical ethics professor passed away at the beginning of the semester and with his wife ( the physiology professor ) she had to return back home to family. The loss of two caring and kind people in less than 2 weeks into the semester was tough and thus our school had to adjust as whole. The replacement professors for Physiology and Medical Ethics have done a good job considering that they were asked to teach extra classes.
Another new development this semester to reach out to the community was to participate in their amateur basketball league and host a health fair. The basketball league community outreach has its ups ( we get to exercise and circulate all the stress hormones out of our system) and downs ( fouls do not get called our way a lot. Example: our team gets flagged for 11 fouls on the first 4 mins.) but over all it is a more positive experience because it allows us to interact with the community. The health fair community outreach that just occurred this past weekend started of slowly, but we ended up helping a lot of people with free health care services such as blood pressure check, blood sugar level test, ECG's reading and interpretations, along with educational services such as sexual health and hygiene and free CPR classes.
Overall I feel like my purpose in coming to this island has been renewed through these outreach activities and I genuinely enjoy the classes a lot more this semester. Please keep my classmates and I in your prayers as we finish out our summer semester.
It has been a long time since my last post a lot has changed. I am about to start taking my 3rd set of block exams for my MD II ( 1st year - 2nd semester medical student ). I must say that it all has been a blur. The material to be covered has been atleast 3x more than last semester. This semester we cover Biochem, Physio, Genetics, and Neuro-anatomy. We started off with a the summer semester on a tragic note, that our medical ethics professor passed away at the beginning of the semester and with his wife ( the physiology professor ) she had to return back home to family. The loss of two caring and kind people in less than 2 weeks into the semester was tough and thus our school had to adjust as whole. The replacement professors for Physiology and Medical Ethics have done a good job considering that they were asked to teach extra classes.
Another new development this semester to reach out to the community was to participate in their amateur basketball league and host a health fair. The basketball league community outreach has its ups ( we get to exercise and circulate all the stress hormones out of our system) and downs ( fouls do not get called our way a lot. Example: our team gets flagged for 11 fouls on the first 4 mins.) but over all it is a more positive experience because it allows us to interact with the community. The health fair community outreach that just occurred this past weekend started of slowly, but we ended up helping a lot of people with free health care services such as blood pressure check, blood sugar level test, ECG's reading and interpretations, along with educational services such as sexual health and hygiene and free CPR classes.
Overall I feel like my purpose in coming to this island has been renewed through these outreach activities and I genuinely enjoy the classes a lot more this semester. Please keep my classmates and I in your prayers as we finish out our summer semester.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Hold over
Hey guys I'm just writing this post saying that I'm alive and that I will have a major update soon.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
The Deceptive Calm Before the Storm
Hello Everyone,
I hope everyone has made it throughout this week relatively unscathed. As for my progress report will take the same format as my previous post. If you guys could leave some feedback in ways for me to improve the way this blog is structured I am open to suggestions. My next post will come sometime after monday afternoon because of my upcoming block exams. With that in mind please enjoy the contents of this weeks post.
- I started to wear a shirt and tie on Mondays. Instead of my usual comfortable undergrad attire. I decided that since I am in medical school I might as well wear professional looking clothing once a week. The reason why monday made sense was because T-Th I have to deal with the cadaver, and since Fridays are BBQ Fridays and to those of you who knows me, I am a pretty messy eater thus increasing the my workload when it comes to laundry day
This was the first "shirt n' tie mondays" |
-I have neglected to keep up with the cleanliness of my apt within the past two weeks and here are the results of it
The couch on the left has been my defacto bed because....... |
Part of my 2.5 loads of Laundry |
I took pictures of my clean apartment because it will last longer ahahaha |
I used FIJI water box to organize my slippers |
I actually have a bed now =) |
My bathroom has been cleaned =) |
My Block 2 Survival Kit. Don't worry I have an automated defibrilator handy hahahaha.
Academic Progress: Well in my last post I said that I stopped relying on self study and I went and looked for help in the subjects that I am struggling in which are Histology and Embryology. The MD2 histology tutor is pretty good. With her help I was able to do much better in this passed Friday's quiz than the last one. Although it's not as high as I wanted it was a considerable improvement over my last quiz score. I have set up a study group when it comes to preparation for Histology block exams this coming Friday. The results were pretty productive today. I hope that it could continue this entire week and that the results show after Monday. As far as my progress when it comes to Embryology is concerned it hasn't changed and it has been stagnant. I have requested some private tutoring with the embryology tutor this coming week, because I do not get the full benefit when it comes to large group tutoring. I hope that it will be better and that my grades justify the hours that I have spent in preparing for these two classes would show the grades that I have. Anatomy and Ethics are the classes that I am comfortable with but I have set up a small study group in preparation for both of these classes. I look forward to the quiz on Tuesday and I hope that I am able to do well in those classes. Personal Progress: As far as personal progress I think that my messy bed and apartment personified on how I was feeling due to not doing well in my quizzes. As I was reading this week's lesson I took a little bit of extra time on Friday's lesson. This paragraph was really helpful and insightful and encouraging. Although I still am a little bit worn out from those quizzes I have hope that everything will turn around after I have read this paragraph. The power of darkness gather about the soul and shut Jesus from our sight, and at times we can only wait in sorrow and amazement until the cloud passes over. These seasons are sometimes terrible. Hope seems to fail, and despair seizes upon us.In these dreadful hours we must learn to trust, to depend solely upon the merits of the atonement, and in all our helpless unworthiness cast ourselves upon the merits of the crucified and risen Saviour. We shall never perish while we do this---never! When light shines on our pathway, it is no great thing to be strong in the strength of grace. But to wait patiently in hope when clouds envelop us and all is dark requries faith and submisssion which causes our willto be swallowed up in the will of God. We are too quickly discouraged, and earnestly cry for the trial to be removed from us, when we should plead for patience to endure and grace to overcome. ---- Ellen G. White God's Amazing Grace, p.114 Please pray for my family back at home and my classmates so that we may have the patience to endure and the grace to overcome the challenges that are present before us. As I have stated before I will not be posting another update until after my block exams. If you contact me and I take a really LONG time to not respond, please understand that I am preparing for my exams and that I am not ignoring you (well it depends on who the person is =P). I pray that everyone have a safe week and that may everyone find that extra reserve of patience to get through this week with grace to overcome it's challenges =). |
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Rediscovering Resilience
Hello everyone
The time has come another school week has passed and another set of quizzes have taken place and its time for an update. This weeks post will be subdivided into three developmental focal points: Random, academic personal.
These are the random things that have brought me some joy this past week
- Ken's BBQ ( equivalent of Rudy's BBQ to those who live in San Antonio ) began delivering BBQ lunch plates on thursday's as well as Fridays. Thursday was extra special because I was able to get Fish N Chips BBQ style. and it is the only day that they serve fish.
- I was able to get better acquainted with the workers at Proctors. I found out that on certain days, they can make full balanced meals instead of the typical fast food (chicken tenders, cheese burgers, hotdogs, chicken, salftfish, and beef patties) that they have in their menu. On wednesday I had their chicken stew, with rice & beans, steamed veges, and potato salad.
- Started copying my cousin's sleeping pattern of sleeping from 7-2 a.m. then studying from 2-5:30 a.m.
- FINALLY got to a gym thanks to the invitation of a couple of upper classmen.
Academic Progress:
This past week in school has been the most stable one since my post a couple of weeks ago. We basically solidified the teacher rotation on who would provide us with the lectures on anatomy. They have done an excellent job considering the circumstances that was placed upon them. Within the past two the replacement lecturer has done a remarkable job in teaching us the concepts that we need to know especially when it comes into the neurological anatomy of the Lower Limb, my favorite quotation from this professor would be "oh this diagram in your book is poorly drawn, I will show you how it's supposed to be" hahaha.
The other professor that has decided to become our other anatomy lecturer covered the thorax. He was able to cover the landmarks of the thorax, but he spent alot of time going over the clinical correlations. In short we got a sparks-notes version of pathology (a course designated to MD3 & MD4) for some of the pathological circumstances that are commonly found in the thorax which I thoroughly enjoyed. I would give credit to my enjoyment of this lecture to the UTPA Physician Assistant Pathology Class. It was fun taking that class with them and it showed that I actually learned and retained something.
Concerning my progress concerning academics, I pretty much bombed my embyo quiz regarding the pharyngeal arch development and the histology quiz based on the lectures about the cartilage, bones, and muscle. I need to cauterize this academic hemorrhage and change my preparation methods for these classes. I am going to do this by scheduling tutoring sessions for histology and embryology. This lone-wolf act has reached it's peak and now i need to incorporate some group study sessions with tutor this week. This is it for the academic portion of my report this week.
Personal Progress:
As far as personal progress is concerned, I will say that it is a smorgusboard of emotions, spiritual enlightenment. The factors that have had me disturbed lately could be some of life's stresses and now that I am back into the balancing act of school and personal life and it has been quite a challenge especially within the past week. It would be safe to say that my personal struggles this past week could be compared to the story of Ruth in The Bible (Dr.Sorkei should be proud of me for correctly typing that). Let me give a brief summary For those of you who do not remember or know Ruth's background.
The book of Ruth has the general theme that teaches the concepts of resiliency, faith, and redemption. In the beginning it describes the tale of the woeful loss of Naomi. Naomi and her husband Elimelech and her two sons Mahlon and Kilion moved to Moab from Bethlehem in Judah. Elimelech died in Moab (this shows the emptying of Naomi). Life moved on for Naomi's family and her two sons married two moabite women. Mahlon married a Moabite woman named Ruth and his brother Kilion married a Moabite woman named Orpah. Ten years after this event both Mahlon and Kilion also died without leaving any sons to pass on the family name. Naomi decided to go back home to Bethlehem so she can live with her family and she decided that it would be best for Orpah and Ruth to do the same so they could remarry.Orpah did as she was told, and this picture is a pretty nice interpretation of that scene.
Ruth, Naomi, and Orpah saying their farewells |
"But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. 17 Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the LORD deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.” Ruth 1:16-17(NIV) |
Ruth did not want to leave her mother-in-law and decided to dedicate the rest of her life to taking care of her. Naomi saw that she could not convince Ruth and thus granted her wish to move back with her to Bethlehem. Ruth's total devotion is depicted in the following text and the picture embodies the following verses. "But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. 17 Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the LORD deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.” Ruth 1:16-17(NIV). After this they arrived in Bethlehem in time for harvest season.
In order for them to survive in Bethlehem, Ruth had to go out and go collect the grains that were left over by the land owner's harvesters. This was a dangerous time for Ruth because she had alot of things that didnt work in her favor. She was a foreigner, widow, and a woman. The land owner Boaz took care of her and Naomi by telling the workers to leave some extra grain and the extra food for them. After some legal issues found in chapters 2-3 have been worked out. Boaz eventually married Ruth and they were blessed with a son named Obed. Obed's birth is significant because he is the father of Jesse. Jesse is the father of the future King David, which Jesus' lineage comes from.
The reason why I decided to put up that story was to show the parallelism of my personal struggles that I have had too and continuously overcome on a daily basis. I have experienced a period of spiritual, emotional, and physical emptying prior to getting into medical school. I could say that I am glad that God has brought me through that and now that I have entered a period of fulfillment I previously thought that everything was going to be smooth sailing with the occasional bumps here and there, but I hit a pretty big major bump this past week. Prior to leaving to medical school I made sure that I had taken care of all the matters that I needed to settle such as making sure that my previous college loans were entered in a state of payment deferment (MAKE SURE YOU GET THIS SETTLED BEFORE YOU COME TO THE ISLAND) I thought this process was completed, but it was not the case this past week. I thought I would be able to deal with this without getting upset, but I reverted back to my old self and I just stewed in anger the entire week. This along with not doing well with in the quizzes got me into a
This was going to continue until I went to church today and got the point of this past week's lesson which is summarized pretty throughly by this verse: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18, NIV). This not only prompted me to check myself and remind myself that I need to get back to the basics and because I have not read my Bible nor the online lesson quarterly throughout this past couple of weeks. I would've gone to the beach today as part of my ritual, but I decided to just go ahead and study The Bible and the lesson and lo and behold this week's focus is on the book of Ruth and read about Naomi's resiliency. Naomi did what I did and decided to start a new life in a new country and she lost everything that mattered to her. I am not stating that Naomi's events are similar in the severity when it comes to the loss of loved ones. I am asking the questions that "If you go through a negative experience that ends up knockin you down, how long should I stay down?" and "what do I do?" As I continued to read the story I came to the realization that I needed to do a couple of things
- Pray without ceasing. In the end you will get your just rewards. In the case of Naomi, she lost everything, but she kept on praying, and eventually she was blessed with a family with a loving daughter in law, virtuous son-in-law, and a grandson.
- I can't stay down on this matter for too long because it's going to affect my studies. Ruth didn't stay down, instead she just kept on pushing through kept on working to provide for herself and her mother-in-law. I must keep on just pushing on my studies regardless of what negative thing has happened. Trust that God is going to come through for you.
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever–present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging”(Psalm 46:1-3, NIV). |
In summary I just re-learned what resilience is. Resilience is the process of facing adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or extreme stress and “bouncing back” successfully without becoming too negatively affected by the experience. This can be accomplished through, the support of friends, family, and God. Please continue to pray for my family back at home. They need all the prayers that they could get. Thank you once again for taking the time to read my rantings, until next time.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Trembling Foundation
Hello guys this is my update as promised after blocks. The most exciting thing that was supposed to happen were the Block Exams were scheduled to start on Friday Jan 28 with Histology and Medical Ethics and Monday Jan 31, were supposed to be the Anatomy lecture exam in the morning Embryology after lunch, then anatomy practical in the afternoon to close off Block 1. Prior to blocks we are given the Thursday before the exam off as our version of "dead week". During this day we had an ethics quiz and spent the day reviewing material for Friday exams. Friday's exams occurred with out a hitch and the weekend was met with devotion and then a trip to Shoal Bay where we met other MD2's and MD4's just enjoyed what the beach can offer. I took my Sabbath nap and began my studies for Monday's examination after 7:00 p.m. and continued until the following events occured.
Sunday Jan 30
-Get an email @ 9:00p.m. saying that exams are cancelled
-It took a while to change gears to study for embryology but I ended up studying until 3:00 a.m.
Monday Jan 31
-Found out why exam was cancelled. There was a change in personnel in who was going to teach Anatomy lectures
-Took embryo blocks, anatomy practical was cancelled as well.
-Blew off steam @ Cap Juluca
-Tons of fish at the shore, mostly butterfish
Tuesday Febuary 1
-8:40 a.m. Earthquake @ ST.Kitts felt for 5 seconds. No structural damage although it measured at magnitude 5.2 on the richter scale follow the link below for details on the seismic event. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/usb0001829.php
-Everyone on the island was fine
-No anatomy lecture or practical, due to change of teachers
-Interesting discussion @ ethics class made the afternoon interesting
-Tried out Tasty's restaurant with some classmates. It was very good, the butterfish that I had was quite exquisite.
-recieved email that Anatomy lecture and practical were going to be held the next day
-reviewed over anatomy lecture and practical materials (it wasnt fun to have a block exam thrown in your face just for fun) <--(hint of sarcasm)
Wednesday Febuary 2
-New Teacher proctors anatomy lecture exam in the morning and the lab practical
-School went on as normal
Thursday Febuary 3
-Class went by as normal
-New Anatomy teacher started lecture on lower limb. It was a return to the normal schedule
Friday Febuary 4
-Histology lecture went pretty deep into student participation with more students asking questions
-Anatomy teacher thoroughly covered the lumbosacral plexus
-Ken's BBQ chicken for lunch always a welcome sight
-Played basketball in the afternoon with the MD2's as per tradition every friday afternoon
-I get asked by locals how do I get my hair to stand up, I told em that I play with electrical outlets on my spare time LoL.
Saturday Febuary 5
-Listened to audioverse sermon regarding Prayer in Medicine http://www.audioverse.org/sermons/recordings/2777/why-is-the-new-england-journal-of-medicine-publishing-on-prayer-.html
-Relaxed @ shoalbay for the entire afternoon. MD2 student celebrated her birthday there towards the end.
Everyone had a grand ole time
-Locals already know me and some of my classmates by name
-Missed out on the student potluck, but I heard positive reviews on the event.
-Slept @ 9:00 p.m.
Sunday Febuary 6
-Woke up @ 4:00 a.m.
-Started to construct lower limb anatomy notes
-worked out 5:00a.m. - 5:30a.m.
-5:30a.m. - 10:00a.m. = Breakfast, laundry, apartment cleanup
-10:00a.m.- 11:00a.m. = stocked up on groceries, going to experiment in making poutine
-11:00a.m. - 1:00 p.m. = ate lunch at the chinese restaurant(best chicken wings on the island) finished shopping for supplies this week.
-1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. = folded laundry, and continued on lower leg notes. Drove friends to superbowl party @ sandy ground
-6:00 p.m. - Now = studying embryo, and anatomy and completing this blog
That's how my week has progressed everyone. I am battling the bug that's been goin around the island with OJ, H2O, Multivitamins, and sheer will power (LOL) but some how being near the beach helps this bug disappear. May I request that you guys pray for my family as they do their best to support my education and that both my family and I stay relatively healthy during my stay here. A new week is about to start and I am about to change gears and prep for Histology tommorow. As far as my block exam results, I passed all of exams this first block. I pray that everything gets re-organized at school and that everyone have a safe week. Until next time.
Sunday Jan 30
-Get an email @ 9:00p.m. saying that exams are cancelled
-It took a while to change gears to study for embryology but I ended up studying until 3:00 a.m.
Monday Jan 31
-Found out why exam was cancelled. There was a change in personnel in who was going to teach Anatomy lectures
-Took embryo blocks, anatomy practical was cancelled as well.
-Blew off steam @ Cap Juluca
-Tons of fish at the shore, mostly butterfish
Tuesday Febuary 1
-8:40 a.m. Earthquake @ ST.Kitts felt for 5 seconds. No structural damage although it measured at magnitude 5.2 on the richter scale follow the link below for details on the seismic event. http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsww/Quakes/usb0001829.php
-Everyone on the island was fine
-No anatomy lecture or practical, due to change of teachers
-Interesting discussion @ ethics class made the afternoon interesting
-Tried out Tasty's restaurant with some classmates. It was very good, the butterfish that I had was quite exquisite.
-recieved email that Anatomy lecture and practical were going to be held the next day
-reviewed over anatomy lecture and practical materials (it wasnt fun to have a block exam thrown in your face just for fun) <--(hint of sarcasm)
Wednesday Febuary 2
-New Teacher proctors anatomy lecture exam in the morning and the lab practical
-School went on as normal
Thursday Febuary 3
-Class went by as normal
-New Anatomy teacher started lecture on lower limb. It was a return to the normal schedule
Friday Febuary 4
-Histology lecture went pretty deep into student participation with more students asking questions
-Anatomy teacher thoroughly covered the lumbosacral plexus
-Ken's BBQ chicken for lunch always a welcome sight
-Played basketball in the afternoon with the MD2's as per tradition every friday afternoon
-I get asked by locals how do I get my hair to stand up, I told em that I play with electrical outlets on my spare time LoL.
Saturday Febuary 5
-Listened to audioverse sermon regarding Prayer in Medicine http://www.audioverse.org/sermons/recordings/2777/why-is-the-new-england-journal-of-medicine-publishing-on-prayer-.html
This creature said "Happy Sabbath" to me right infront of my dining table |
-Relaxed @ shoalbay for the entire afternoon. MD2 student celebrated her birthday there towards the end.
Everyone had a grand ole time
The path to the unknown |
-Locals already know me and some of my classmates by name
-Missed out on the student potluck, but I heard positive reviews on the event.
-Slept @ 9:00 p.m.
Sunday Febuary 6
-Woke up @ 4:00 a.m.
-Started to construct lower limb anatomy notes
-worked out 5:00a.m. - 5:30a.m.
-5:30a.m. - 10:00a.m. = Breakfast, laundry, apartment cleanup
-10:00a.m.- 11:00a.m. = stocked up on groceries, going to experiment in making poutine
-11:00a.m. - 1:00 p.m. = ate lunch at the chinese restaurant(best chicken wings on the island) finished shopping for supplies this week.
-1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. = folded laundry, and continued on lower leg notes. Drove friends to superbowl party @ sandy ground
-6:00 p.m. - Now = studying embryo, and anatomy and completing this blog
That's how my week has progressed everyone. I am battling the bug that's been goin around the island with OJ, H2O, Multivitamins, and sheer will power (LOL) but some how being near the beach helps this bug disappear. May I request that you guys pray for my family as they do their best to support my education and that both my family and I stay relatively healthy during my stay here. A new week is about to start and I am about to change gears and prep for Histology tommorow. As far as my block exam results, I passed all of exams this first block. I pray that everything gets re-organized at school and that everyone have a safe week. Until next time.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The importance of Internet to a Medical School Student
"FREEEEEEDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM" - Mel Gibson as William Wallace in the motion picture Braveheart
The quote above is what I yell every time the weekend has come. It gives me an opportunity to rest, relax and reflect on the significant events during the two weeks that have gone down since my last post. To me I like to post my events like a little grocery list so The flow might not be as smooth as some would like but this is how I think and this how I write. I'm not trying to win a Pullitzer but I intend to give a progress report to my friends family and the anonymous fans that I may have =). Here they are as it follows:
Jan 11-Jan16
- This was the introductory week to medical school. As most schools we didn't have our full day's worth of class because we did not have lab this week, but the class load and intensity was there. The subjects that we started this week
- M-W-F = Histology, Anatomy, Embryology
- T-Th = Histology, Anatomy, Medical Ethics
- From my perspective, the classes that gave me the most anxiety before taking them was Histology and Embryology, but after the first lectures in every class I felt the anxiety level went down because of the knowledge that I gained from the classes that I took such as General Biology, Anatomy, Physiology, and Bacteriology and Virology as an undergraduate at Southwestern Adventist University (if you are a pre-med student there please take those class when offered) prepared me for the first week of school and gave me a pretty strong base in the first week's worth of lectures. They just went into more depth into the topics that you cover in those classes.
- My study pattern has evolved from cramming the day before the test too methodical chunking of information everyday during the week.
- Here's my daily schedule during the week
- 4:30 a.m.-7:30 a.m. = Workout, Daily devotions, Breakfast, Study, walk to the bus-stop
- 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. = School
- 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. = Naptime & dinner
- 7:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. = Studying
- I had my first medical school quiz which was on Histology. I thought I did bad on it but I was around what class average was
- Played Basketball with the MD2's it was a good way to break the ice with em and as well as get to hangout with the MD1's who played
- A group of us rented the car to do grocery shopping and take a break at Shoalbay during the weekend
- The SDA churches here had a gathering in the middle of town, we had worship and we passed out tracts to the community.
Jan 17- Jan 23
- First full week of school including lab. It was a rather tough. I found myself taking nap with the schedule stated above.
- I had my first quizes in anatomy and embryo. Thank God I did relatively well on those
- Anatomy Lab was similar to the Cadaver Lab @ UTPA, except we had our cadaver at the beginning of the semester instead of midterms. We are focusing on the upper limb for the Block Exams and the Practical. Sooo much to review for but I just gotta do my best and God will take care of the rest.
- The 2nd histology quiz rocked my world, but It shows my weak points and Im going to rectify them before Blocks arrive
- Mad props goes to Lidiya for setting up The friday barbeque lunches delivered to the school. I dont have to worry about making lunch on friday. Thanks to Lorne for giving the anatomy review during lunch time. It was appreciated
- Friday Afternoon Basketball with the MD2's always start the weekend off correctly.
- Went to Shoal Bay once again. It's my favorite spot to just sit and relax and not think about medical school for 3 hours.
- I think I officially had my first migraine episode this afternoon (jan23). I took a nap for 4 hours and I am a little bit better but I still have a throbbing headache.
- My Classmates Taiba and Neha have been pretty awesome in letting me come down to their apartment to leach on their internet and download the lecture notes. They also feed me XD bahahahhaha. I have been blessed with good classmates awesome land lady, and genuinely friendly people who are willing to help us medical students do errands around town such as going to the post office, dropping us off to the car rental places and giving us rides home outside of the scheduled times the bus takes us home.
- Preparing for Anatomy quiz and the embryology. ethics quizzes for the week . The weekend will be capped off with the start of block exams. Please pray for my classmates and I so that we may relatively do well on the exams.
- Jan 28 = Histology and Ethics block exams
- Jan 31 = Anatomy (lecture), Embryology, Anatomy Lab practical)
- All of the teachers are pretty helpful soo it makes medical school in a foreign country a tad more bearable =)
Well that's whats goin on so far folks I hope you enjoy this and find this informative. Take care and God bless. Expect the next post after blocks.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Prostudent4life's Progress
I have started this blog for the purposes of documenting my journey through St.James School of Medicine in the island of Anguilla. I have chosen the name this blog Prostudent4life because once you decide to pursue medicine, your profession is going to require you to spend your life as a professional student with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge that could benefit those around you. Although SJSM has two campuses in the Caribbean, I choose Anguilla because it is the newer campus, the island's status as a British colony gave it a more stable political environment (in my humble opinion), it's proximity to the island of St.Martin ( 20 min ferry ride for $35.00 round trip), and it has the most beautiful beaches in the world according to travel channel. Here are some tips that are recommended for travelling to the island.
Tips in how to prep for island life as a medical school student.
Tips in how to prep for island life as a medical school student.
- Come in with a good attitude. It is going to be a nice place to live in for the next 16 months ONLY if you let it be. If you come in with the attitude that "you're better than everyone else" you are setting yourself up for disappointment and misery. Respect the people who help you out in the airport/ferry port because they helped you out because they are just decent people like that. Being humble can take you very far in life, and can bring many people on your side, that also applies in coming to the island
- Be prepared for a change in the pace of life. It is very relaxed and everything is not always on the GO-Go-Go. They take their weekends very seriously over here. Most of the grocery stores are closed at around 9:00 p.m. during the weekdays and Car Rental places close around 5:00p.m. NO COMMERCIALIZED fast food joints. that's right guys no more taco-bell runs at midnight or IHOP runs at 3a.m. The only places to eat are the chinese food joints located in various ends of the island.
- I recommend that those who plan to come to this campus get to the island around 7-8 days before school starts. here's a breakdown of why that many days before school starts:
- 1-2 days = apartment hunting (and allowance for the delayed luggage arrival which is a norm here in the carribbean).
- 2 days to set up your on island cellphone, internet service, stock up on supplies.
- 3 days to relax, get a day trip into st.martin, and do some light studying for the first day of class.
- Flying into St.Martin and taking the ferry to Anguilla will save you appx $200 dollars in most cases, but it depends on the season as well. Just make sure that you give the housing coordinator a heads up at least 2 weeks notice so he can pick you up from the ferry port and drop you off to your hotel/apartment or if you have an apartment arrangement prior to coming to the island that you give your Landlord a heads up as most will gladly pick you up.
- If you know how to cook you might want to package your own set of spices because the selection here is rather limited. In my case i don't have my sea-salt, Kikkoman soysauce, mushroom seasoning, and Fish sauce.
- Ask your landlord for tips on where to get the best produce, baked goods, and other supplies. This will help pinpoint you to where you need to go.
- Give yourself some room when it comes to budgeting because the things that you purchase here in the island is not as cheap as Wal-Mart due to the fact that everything has to be imported. Doubling or trippling your grocery and supply budget will be sufficient enough. Bring some cash as a back up for your debit card on the island Budget to have a rental car for about 3 days because you will want to roam around the island and get together with some of your classmates that are on the island already.
- Bring textbooks and the BRS review books and the First Aid USMLE step 1 review book and the Q&A book. Bring your own school supplies as well. They are rather limited here in Anguilla and they are expensive in St. Martin.
- Studying for the USMLE step 1 begins those 3days that you use to do some light reading before your class starts.
- Keep in Contact with your admissions advisor during this whole processes. If you feel that your advisor isn't helping you out, then ask to change advisors. A helpful advisor leads to reduction of stress levels.
- Get a subscription to one of these VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) services such as skype, oovoo, vonage, or magic jack so you can make calls to Land lines and Cell Phones in the U.S. or Canada.
- Unlock your phone prior to leaving the country. They charge $35.00 to unlock your phone here
- Change your mentality from "I got into medical school, now I'm a doctor" to "I got into medical school, now I'm going to study to become the best doctor I could be" You have reached the thing that hikers and mountain climbers call "false summit" it's not the top but, your close to it. Keep pushing forward until you reach the real goal as a board-certified independent practicing physician.
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